La Petite Belle Pattern - 5014

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Challenging pattern with a lot of pleats and ruffles and gathers, but the style is quite simple to produce.

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Supplies 5014

Pantalets, Slip and Bustle

4 ½” X 18” Batiste, (26” – ½” lace edging – included in 4 yards for dress)

1 yards of ¼” lace edging

2” X 2” of buckram for bustle

1 yard of 2mm ribbon for accents and bows


9” X 18” Cream Thai silk or color of choice for dress

4 ½” X 10” Silk Stripe for over drape

6 “square of Red Thai silk or your choice for accent bows

4 yards of ½” Lace edging (also used on slip)

Matching batiste for dress lining

12 flat backed pearls for buttons

5 yards 7mm red ribbon (enough to complete entire project) 


1/2 yard of matching straw, scrap from red silk above

4 red roses to match, 3 red velvet flowers, 3 white velvet flowers (or to suit your vision)

7mm red ribbon (included in above amounts), 4mm green ribbon for “leaves”

Cream feathers (I used 2), 6” white covered florist’s wire


4” or so hank of viscose or mohair

Curlers and Pretty Pleater ™


1 gold bail, floss for tassel, Scrap of ½” lace edging above


4 red seed beads for earring and pin

2 “pearl beads for earrings, beading wire, tiny gauge

Small finding or buckle for brooch