DR405 - Witch Printed Dress Sheet - Green

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Available as a PDF for those who want to print their own fabrics or printed on a nice cotton sateen fabric that is pre-treated to be water resistant.

Our latest Printed Clothing Sheets by Loretta Kasza and available at Dragonfly International

The witches clothing is printed on soft treated cotton that is water resistant and easy to use

A spider web printed blouse, striped stockings and printed skirt complete the witch.

The clothing sheets also include a pattern for the leather hat and shoes plus 2 patterns for a suede paper vest to fit either a well endowed or slender witch.Spider Web Blouse , Striped Stocking and a Printed Skirt.

You will need a piece of thin leather for the shoes and hat, Suede paper for vest and buckles for the shoes.

Doll not included